About us


My name is Ethan TOUITOU and I'm a student in my first year of MMI (Multimedia and Internet Skills) at the Montbéliard IUT. Montbéliard.

This site, called "It's a Nimbus 2000!", aims to introduce the Harry Potter theme by presenting one of the films with a book the frieze of films and book.

You can contact me if you wish via the contact page available at the foot of the page, or or via the networks also available at the bottom of the page I answer to all


Eponym: "Eponymous hero" refers to a historical figure who gave his name to a town, a tribe, etc. Their heroism has been elevated to such a level that its name becomes a bearer of importance and designates something relative to the character.

In this case Harry Potter, who gave his name to the films

Saga: the word "saga" is used in everyday language to refer to a series of novels in several parts. several parts